
Staffing & Recruiting

By following the industry's regulations & best practices, we guarantee that you'll have your required candidates within 24 hours. For most straight hires, our recruiter's fee is also only 8.33% of your recruiting budget. We help you save both cost & time, while staying effective.

Bulk Hiring

Our TAT & recruiting costs are really difficult to match when it comes to Bulk Hiring. We source the candidates proactively & have helped many companies who are in need of skilled individuals

Reference Checks

Job Check provides reliable verification & candidate profiling. Partner with us, and you'll never face a bad probationary period!

Training & Consulting

With Job Check, you can conduct company-wide trainings in both technical & non-technical domains. Job Check also helps in figuring out your other HR needs in the form of consulting


We carefully study résumés and individuals to make sure that they fit into a company's culture.

Succession Planning

Carefully planning your successor for leadership for taking a company to new levels of awesome. We help companies groom their talent for this!

Our Areas of Specialization







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